Updated School Board Packet April 2013
School Board Packet March 2013

Above is a link to the documents we presented to the School Board at their March meeting as an update/summary of the 1:1 iPad pilot.
Megan Greenbaum and Suzanne Fullerton were very integral to pulling together these documents. Many thanks to them and to Casey Brough and Jeff Husmann as well.
We will be at the April meeting to answer questions if needed. We haven't gotten a confirmation on this yet.
As you can see in the packet, we also did another survey of parents and students in 7th Grade. I plan to get some of that data on this blog here as well.
Next Year!!
Our school budget passed which means that we can get started with our plan to continue the pilot into next year's 3rd and 7th graders. This will allow the 7th grade teachers to have both their 7th and 8th grade students using iPads. The teachers and our current 7th graders will have a whole year under their belts as they continue learning with the iPads next year. The reasons we can continue our pilot inside our zero-increased budget is that both the incoming 3rd and 7th grade are some of our smallest grades in terms of number of students.
One of the things to consider for next year at the Middle School is whether we need to have one person focus on being the 1:1 ipad coordinator. This year, we have shared the duties among the technology and media departments which was not necessarily unsuccessful but having one go-to person maybe a better way to go.