
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Where we started...

What a road it has been.....

We started back during the budget cycle of 2011-12 when an Ad-Hoc Technology Committee was created to make recommendations to the School regarding Hardware purchases for the 2012-13 budget year. The committee of educators, administrators and ABC (Advisory Budget Committee) members created a report on June 4, 2011. These recommendations included
  • moving towards a 1:1 ratio of students to devices 
  • upgrading our technology infrastructure 
  • Professional Development for our teachers. 
Of course, we did more then just come up with this list, we looked at what does 21st Century learning, living and teaching look like, what are the benefits for our students in their learning. Part of the recommendation included asking the School Board if they wanted this committee to move forward in planning a 1:1 in more detail.

 They did! 

The Committee met several times and on May 5, 2012, made recommendations for 2012-13 school year which included a pilot for students in grades 3 and 7.
Read the AD-Hoc Technology Committee

Presentations, Presentations, Presentations:
School Board Meeting,
At the May 5, 2012 school board meeting, this video was shown as well as the above recommendations. The motion was tabled.  Another meeting/presentation was scheduled with two school board representative, ABC representatives, administrators and the technology/media personnel.

Technology Budget Sub Committee: Technology/media personnel with Mike Lancor, our superintendent met several times to prepare for this presentation to focus on specifics and ipads in education. Our discussion was lively and productive. Our two school board representatives and our new superintendent were present and all in favor of moving forward.

This presentation can be seen here. The presentation was designed to be seen an ipad/ipod and if you would like to view it on your ipad, go here 
 The School Board then approved the 1:1 pilot and then the fun REALLY began...