We discussed how electronic textbooks had been implemented in 7th and 8th grade, where each student has a device. Students were asked to come up with words that describe these electronic textbooks, and we created a Wordle that highlighted the terms most mentioned by students. Words that came back often include helped, understanding, and note-taking, among others. Electronic textbooks can be used anywhere, being cloud-based, and reduced the amount of weight present in students' backpacks.
Other comments students made about electronic textbooks included:
- "iPads keep me more organized. I can keep all of my papers and all of my books on my iPad."
- "I can share documents and see all of my assignments and this helps me manage myself."
- "I an get announcements from teachers and I can easily contact them when I have a question"
- "There are more activities, more ways to learn such as videos and hands on learning tools."
- "There is a note taking sheet for each section that helps with notes."
- "Can be in Spanish for foreign students."
- "Can do extra work with the e-worksheets and @home tutor."
- "There are many tools like virtual manipulatives and calculators."
- "I can pull pages right out of the book into my note-taking app."
- "I can find resources and help easily."
- "It is less weight to carry around in my backpack."
- "I am able to work more productively while using it."
- "I have never lost my book because I don't "have" one, I always bring my iPad no matter the class so it is a lot harder to lose."
- Centralizes classroom information & resources.
- Provides a consistent experience in all classes
- Populates & syncs with PowerSchool Gradebook.
- Integrates with School Google Apps Account.
- Quizzes, Tests, and other assessments.
- Calendar events created automatically; due dates easily seen
- Automatic grading of discrete items.
- Remote access expands the classroom time.
- Provides immediate feedback and comments.
Schoology is also used at Central School for reading journals:
- An engaging activity can influence and benefit the writing process
- Opportunities for meaningful reflection and one on one conversations
- A method for focusing on students’ writing growth and writing across discipline
- The “veil” can empower the most reluctant participant
- A “safe place” early lesson on social networking
- Connects the classroom experience to home
Here's an example of how reading journals were done prior to Schoology:
And now with Schoology:
- Connectivity to all documents across platforms and devices.
- Ability to work collaboratively at the same time on the same document.
- Large disk space enabling remote storing.
- Easy way for students to organize assignments and work.
- Teachers are able to directly comment on student work.
- This method helps the school cut down on paper product waste.
- Allows you to upload files from your desktop for easy access.
The virtues of Powerschool were extolled:
- Eliminates the surprise of report cards
- A record of any missing assignments
- Parents can check student’s grades
LibGuides and online databases were praised:
- Content Management System
- Curate knowledge and share information by creating online Guides on any topic, subject, course, on any process, on anything.
- Databases provide access to scholarly, reliable, and valid information for research and for personal knowledge
- Grolier Online, Encyclopedia Britannica, Ancient and Medieval History, Science Online, Culturegrams, etc.
- Over 400 fiction and non-fiction eBooks available for students and staff.
- Ability to connect to the State of NH’s consortium through a public library card, providing access to thousands more
- Flexible check out, no loss or damage, and quick ordering
iPads are also an important part of Central School's life:
Many projects were done with iPads this year at Central School:
- Access to Technology (iPads have been checked out more than 4,100 times to K-2 and 5-6 just this year!)
- Transition from LMC to Classrooms
- Complex Projects
- Deeper Understanding
- Cross-Curricular
- Sharing Information
- School to Home Connection
Many projects were done with iPads this year at Central School:
- Book Creation and Sharing
- ShowMe’s
- Online Reading in Classrooms
- Keynote Presentations
- Garageband Audio Recording
- Skill practice with personalized apps in LMC and Classrooms
- eBooks
- AudioBooks
- Remote Learning/Practice Sites (IXL, RazKids)
We thank the taxpayers of Moultonborough for their ongoing support of technology and its uses in our schools!